Thursday 26 July 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

Oh boy, you are in for a show tonight, son. 

What do you do when you can't get hold of a ticket for the new Batman film? Well after the initial panic and nausea you take stock, weigh up your options, then drive 30 miles to catch the midnight showing on a Saturday night. Then get mad at someone for choosing to commit suicide on the bridge you plan to cross, thus prolonging your journey. Selfish, don't they know Batman is on at the Imax?

With all of this hassle and sleep deprivation, was Batman worth it? You bet your cape-covered ass it was. Easily the best film of the year so far (I can't see it getting beaten). 


Where do I start? Running the risk of spoiling anything, I'll keep the synopsis light. Eight years after Joker's escapades, and with a new baddy in town in the shape of Bane, the Dark Knight must once again rise to save Gotham from a new terrorist threat.

I am literally itching to write more but I don't want to. Just get your ass off to the cinema (preferably an Imax) and find out more.


The Dark knight Rises (TDKR) was inevitably going to be compared to it's predecessor 'Dark Knight', and it was inevitably going to come up short. Dark Knight, with one of the best acting performances in any comic book film ever (and not just because he's dead) was ground-breaking. TDKR was never going to achieve that level of fame. But it came close.

I saw it at the Imax and it was epic. 72 minutes of Imax-shot footage made it into the final cut, more than any other studio film - and it showed. Some of the scenes were truly breathtaking and, for me, worth the fiver more for a ticket.

I have no doubt it would be epic at the cinema too though, don't worry. The sheer scale of the film is impressive. Christopher Nolan doesn't normally do things by half (see Inception) and  TDKR was no exception. 

From the scene seen in the trailer of the football stadium to the epic battle scenes on the streets of Gotham, TDKR goes big on all fronts. Including the story line.

Again, I won't ruin everything but, for me, it was a perfect ending for Nolan's trilogy. I was giddy afterwards.

The only minor discrepancies for me were around Bane's character. I wasn't sure of his voice at first (there was some controversy around this on the sneak preview night if you remember) - it was just a little odd. Menacing certainly but a little odd. I got over it though because Hardy was awesome and his physical presence was exceptional.

The other minor issue was Bane's followers, I'm not sure what I'd call them, and that's kind of the point. As an audience member you're kind of left to guess why they're so fanatically on Bane's side. There are hints at them being 'terrorists' but it isn't explained. I guess the studio didn't want that political angle, probably right considering what happened in Denver.


By now Christopher Nolan needs no introduction. He is easily in the top five directors in Hollywood right now (behind Michael Bay, naturally) and rightfully so. Again, with TDKR, the direction was flawless. 

Considering the vast amount of extras used throughout the film and the hype surrounding the film it is remarkable that Nolan pulled it off. And let's not forget that he co-wrote the film as well. The man is a maverick.

Again the casting was flawless. The usual gang were solid as ever, in particular Michael Caine; his performance was powerful and moving. 

And the tainted Catwoman role was also pulled off with surprising aplomb. I was dubious going in with Anne Hathaway in the PVC, but she handled herself very well. She was sassy and strong enough to be Batman's equal and had enough depth to form an integral part of the subplot.

It goes along way to explaining Nolan's talents when you discuss a Batman film without really mentioning Batman.

And... Cut

Batman was also good by the way. Christian Bale was solid as ever but didn't put in a mind blowing performance, once again outshone by his arch-enemy - this time Bane. The star of the show though is Christopher Nolan.

Nolan has sealed his place in cinematic history. Not just for comic book adaptations, for which the Dark Knight is undoubtedly the King, but for all films ever

Opening weekend figures are around the $160 million mark, similar to Dark Knight, which is no mean feat. It's now the third highest grossing film of all time

We must all remember that TDKR would also have been affected by that moron shooting innocent people on the opening in Denver. Analysts have predicted that the shooting probably cost the Warner Bros around $15-20 million.

I hope that psychopathic terrorism of the shooting in Denver doesn't take anything away from the genius of Nolan's trilogy and that it is remembered for what it deserves; truly exceptional, epic cinema.